Beyond the Ballot: Nova Scotia’s Farming Future

As Nova Scotians debated their province’s future at the polls, farmers from across the province gathered to discuss the critical challenges and opportunities impacting their livelihoods and the province’s food … Continued

Serving on Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Every Spring and Fall the Nova Scotia Government recruits for members to Agencies, Boards and Commissions. There are currently six adjudicative ABCs under the Department of Agriculture with existing or upcoming … Continued

NS Farm Succession Survey Open

We’re conducting a survey on succession planning in farming, aiming to better understand the challenges, opportunities, and supports needed to ensure a successful transition of farms in Nova Scotia. Your … Continued

Statement on Commercial Wine Program Support

The Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture (NSFA) represents over 2,000 registered farms in Nova Scotia, including over 50 grape growers across the province. In recent years, Nova Scotia has established … Continued

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