We are your voice, working to promote a great future for agriculture in Nova Scotia
Our mission is to influence and affect change for the continual success of agriculture in Nova Scotia.
Our vision is a prosperous and sustainable future for Nova Scotia farms and farmers.
We review all legislative and regulatory issues that impact the competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural sector. We also lobby to the government for changes to existing legislation, regulation, and policy.
In addition to advocating on behalf of all farmers in Nova Scotia, we also develop and deliver programs and services to meet the needs of the farm community.
Some Quick Facts
about our industry29%
According to the Canadian Land Inventory, 29% of Nova Scotia’s land is classed as Agriculture.
60% of Nova Scotia’s agriculture class soils are considered “Class 3”.
The average rate that farmland values increased each year since 2005.
In 2022, Nova Scotia’s farm cash receipts were over $752 Million.
Livestock and livestock products make up more than 60% of Nova Scotia’s farm cash receipts.
Nova Scotia farmers employ roughly 6100 people.
$46 million is invested by the province of Nova Scotia and the government of Canada through provincially delivered programs.
The current Agriculture Policy Framework is for five years, spanning from 2023-2028.