Environmental Farm Plan
The NS Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) Program is an educational program, delivered by the NS Federation of Agriculture. The EFP program helps farmers identify and assess environmental risk on their property. It enables farmers to incorporate environmental considerations into their everyday business decisions.
Farm Safety Nova Scotia
Farm Safety Nova Scotia (FSNS) works with Nova Scotia farms to keep farmers, their families, and their employees safe. It is our goal to ensure farmers have access to the tools and resources they need to operate safe and productive farms. FSNS, a not-for-profit society, is an industry-driven organization working in the best interest of its members. All registered farm members of the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture are voting members of FSNS, who can participate in member meetings, and provide direction on our mandate. However, whether a voting member or not, all registered farms can access services from FSNS.
AgSector Program
The objective of the Agriculture Sector Program is to explore, monitor, and support the needs of the
industry by navigating the areas of labour, human resources, attraction and retention, skills development, education and training, career promotion, and succession planning.
Public Trust
Farm Succession
Think succession planning is painful? Think it’s too much to handle? The Farm Succession Planning portal can help. The portal breaks succession planning down into bite-sized pieces and walks you through each step. So, get your farm succession plan done – one manageable task at a time.
Check out more on farm succession planning HERE.
Environmental Law Q&A
Land Registration Q&A
Property Assessment
NSFA created a resource guide to help farmers understand how their farm property is determined, what are the proposed and final notices of assessment, will the CAP program work for farmers and the process of how to appeal their assessments.
Property Assessment Resource
Understanding How Your Farm’s Property Value is Determined in Nova Scotia
Acidic Soil
An integrated approach to soil conservation and sustainable soil management
Nova Scotia’s natural resources provide the province with a competitive advantage. As users and stewards of much of the province’s natural resources, the farm community is uniquely positioned to lead the way and build on private, voluntary initiatives to safely use and protect the province’s natural resources and assure environmental health.
Conservation practices and stewardship produce the best results when they are clearly understood by the industry and are achieved through constructive and progressive public policy initiatives. Sharing the Cost of Acidic Soil Conditions An integrated approach to soil conservation and sustainable soil management is part of the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture’s commitment to sustainable agricultural practices and environmental management practices that often extend beyond the farm gate. The Federation’s strategy places a priority on working with partners to improve soil, water and air quality and environmental risk management standards through the development of outcome-based public policy using sound science and cost benefit analysis to achieve goals.
Transportation Guidelines
This booklet is divided into four parts:
- Words used in this booklet
- Farmers
- Vehicles
- Paperwork
Have a question for Transportation Committee or about these Guidelines?
The first section tells you the meaning of some words we use in this booklet as these may differ from how some words are usually understood. These words are marked with an asterisk*. The other three parts tell you how the Motor Vehicle Act and its regulations apply to farmers in Nova Scotia.
These guidelines are for your convenience and personal use. The wording may differ from the official version of the Motor Vehicle Act and regulations. The legislation may change. When accuracy is critical, please consult official sources.
You can learn more about, the Motor Vehicle Act HERE
Motor vehicle regulations at www.gov.ns.ca/just/regulations/rxam-z.htm#motveh
If you do NOT have a computer,
Call 1-800-670-4357 and press 3 when you are prompted to choose an option
Visit your local library. Ask the reference librarian to help you find the information you need.
These guidelines are meant to help you protect yourself and others as you drive farm equipment on Nova Scotia’s highways*. They tell you what to do to be sure you act within the law and what happens if you don’t.
The Nova Scotia Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal provides this booklet as a public service. It was produced with help from the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture, Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations, and the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture.
Have a question about these Guidelines or other farm transportation related issues?
Email your question to the Transportation Committee, someone will get back to you via email. We are currently building a list of Frequently Asked Questions and the answers which we will post on this website as a future reference. Your questions will help make this FAQ a resourceful tool.