This membership category is for those who are not registered under the Farm Registration Act in the province of Nova Scotia. To be eligible for a “Non-Registered Farm” membership, you must be actively farming.

“Non-Registered Farm” means a farm operated as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, company, co-operative or other legal form which is actively involved in farming including growing crops or raising livestock, which farm is not registered under the Farm Registration Act.

“Non-Registered Farm” members are voting members of the NSFA; but this membership does not entitle them to benefits directly related to the registration through the Farm Registration Act.


What’s the membership year?

The membership year is April 1st – March 31st.  Membership is open for continuous intake throughout the year. 10% of applications may be spot-checked for income verification.

Who’s Eligible?

Eligibility for “Non-Registered Farm” membership includes:

  1. Those Non-Registered Farms who support the objects of the Federation, as outlined in the Federations of Agriculture Act, and
  2. Those who pay an annual fee to the Federation in an amount equivalent to the fee prescribed in the Farm Registration


What’s the application process?

  1. Complete the “Non-Registered Farm” application form and submit payment to the NSFA office.
  2. The NSFA Office will notify you within 5 business days as to whether your application is deemed complete or if further information is required.
  3. All applications received and deemed complete by month-end will be presented at the following Council meeting.
  4. The Council will vote on the eligibility of the farm for membership.
  5. The applicant will be notified of the status of their application within 10 business days of the Council meeting.
  6. Approved “Non-registered Farm” members will be issued a membership card from the NSFA.

To fill out your Non-Registered Farm Membership Application, download the file below.



For more information on the Non-Registered Farm Membership, including the appeals process. You can find a downloadable version of the policy below: