Young Farmers: #HowNSAgs

What does agriculture in Nova Scotia look like to you? NS Young Farmers invite you to share photos of your agriculture during the month of May! Use the #HowNSAgs, tag @nsyoungfarmers and make sure you share publicly so we can find them. Photos posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will be accepted. Post as many … Continued

FWD IRCC Info Session

Join us as we host Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada for an information session on hiring foreign labour. Tuesday, July 4th. 6-7pm Atlantic Time Hosted on WebEx. Click HERE to register An IRCC Outreach Office will be sharing information on the following: -Brief overview of the TFW programs and opportunities to use the LMIA-exempt work … Continued

Living Lab Field Tour with WBPANS

Kirkhill Road, Parrsboro, NS

Join the NSFA and Wild Blueberry Producers Association of Nova Scotia on Thursday, July 13th at 2pm for a field tour of one of the Living Lab - Nova Scotia … Continued


Young Farmers: Summer Event

Half Cocked Brewing Company

Join Nova Scotia’s Young Farmers for a learning, networking, social and fun event this summer! Save the afternoon and evening of Saturday, July 29th and plan to head for the … Continued

NSFA Summer Social

Each year the NSFA holds our Summer Social for local members in a different part of the province. This year we are in Antigonish on the evening of August 15th! … Continued