NSFA Open House, BBQ & Social

Join us at our new building in East Mountain for our Open House, BBQ and Social event! Come check out the new space. Mingle with staff, Executive, farmers and others in the industry. Or just come for the food! Please RSVP so we have enough food for everyone! info@nsfa-fane.ca or (902) 893-2293 3pm - 4pm: … Continued

Forage Day

Save the date! AAFC Nappan Forage Day! More details to come.

Summer Field Day

555 Sylvester Road, Durham (West River Farm) Sponsored by Pictou-North Colchester Federation of Agriculture Featuring: Sonny Murray and Amy Sangster, Perennia Walk through cleared land and learn about bringing it into production Renovating old fields Reducing synthetic fertilizer What is your soil made of? Refreshments provided For more information call Michael Kittilsen, (902) 893-3645

Open Farm Day 2019

Open Farm Day is a province wide event held on the third Sunday in September, falling on September 15th, 2019. Open Farm Day creates the opportunity for participating Nova Scotia farmers to open their doors to members of their community. For a list of participating farmers, click here.  

Progressive Agriculture Safety Day

An opportunity for children to learn about the hazards on the farm and what they can do to stay safe. This workshop is great for those that visit, work or live on farms. Children will visit different stations where they will learn in fun, interactive ways. For children aged 7-13 $10/child or $20/family Milford Rec … Continued

Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference

Listen, learn, network and grow. Learn new skills that can help you in your business and every day life. Meet women from across Canada passionate about agriculture and food. Hear the top leaders tell their story and their point of view, and be inspired. Discover new tools and grow from motivating discussions with these leaders … Continued