In response to this report, NSFA underwent a strategic planning process with Yvonne Thyssen-Post in 2018, to develop a strategy that would guide the organization over the next five years. The Steering Committee – made up of the three Executive Officers and three NSFA staff – met multiple times throughout 2018 and 2019 to review member and stakeholder feedback and determine the direction we would head until 2023. This included revamping our mission, vision, core functions and identifying key strategic priorities.
Thanks to consultations with membership, commodity groups, government and staff – the Steering Committee was able to gather the necessary input to create this plan.
In April, the draft of the strategic plan was presented to Council of Leaders, after discussion and a slight modification – it was approved.
Below are some of the key aspects from the 2019-2023 Strategic Plan.
Our Mission: To influence and affect change for the continual success of agriculture in Nova Scotia
Our Vision: A prosperous and sustainable future for Nova Scotia farms and farmers
Who we serve: The NS Federation of Agriculture serves NSFA members
After considering feedback from members in focus group sessions and at our 2018 AGM, our core functions are as follows:
- Lobby/Policy/Advocacy
- Member Engagement
- Program and Service Delivery
To move the industry forward and help NSFA reach its vision and fulfill its mission, our strategic priorities are:
- Connect and engage with members
- Effectively influence government to affect change
- To improve operational and governance structures of the organization
We are excited to implement this new strategic plan, with the goal of strengthening our relationships with members, improving our service to members, and increasing our collaboration with key industry stakeholders.
The next five years will be a process, and we’re glad to have you along for the journey.