Telecommunications Survey

How many times have you cursed your internet connection – wishing you had the high speed and cellular reception that you can find in the city? Unable to contact your employees, friends or family due to the lack of cell reception?

For thousands of Nova Scotian’s living in rural areas across the province – this is a regular occurrence.

This is a challenge that farmers and rural business owners have had to face for years, and has been a barrier to the growth of their operation. Being able to conduct simple day to day e-commerce as well as embrace cutting-edge precision agriculture technology is vital to farmers in today’s agriculture industry.

In March the 2019 Federal budget was announced, with that was a commitment of $5 – 6 billion to provide high-speed internet to 100% of Canada by 2030 – it is encouraging to see this issue being addressed at the Federal level as this is a challenge nationwide.

If you attended our Annual Meeting in 2018, you will recall a resolution that was passed for NSFA to lobby for better cell phone and high-speed internet service in the province. One of our first steps in addressing this issue is to collect data from membership. At the bottom of this post you will find a survey that we encourage you to fill out. The information collected in this survey will allow us to better understand which regions have limited/ or no telecommunication services (cellular and high-speed internet), and the implications this has in rural Nova Scotia. With this data we will share the challenges and barriers you and other face with decision makers in the provincial government.

By completing the survey below, you understand that NSFA will report the survey results in aggregate – names and contact information will be removed. Any contact information provided will only be used to follow up on improvements and report back on lobby progress.

Link to the survey