What do the handouts look like at the airports?

Rapid Testing Instructions (Spanish) Click here

Below are a few helpful resources from Nova Scotia Public Health :

Vaccine Educational Resources:

COVID-19 Vaccine “What you need to know” Factsheet

These are available in nine different language’s, you can find them on the Nova Scotia government’s website here.

Vaccine Information Sheets

Contact us for a copy of the vaccine information sheets and consent forms – available in English and Spanish.

Vaccine Videos Developed by Ontario Fruit & Vegetable Growers
It is important to share vaccine information from trusted sources to ensure workers can make informed decisions and have confidence in the vaccination process. The following have been adapted from the Public Health Agency of Canada, Public Health Ontario and the World Health Organization.

COVID-19 Explained – Videos Developed by Nova Scotia Government, Public Health, and Dalhousie Faculty of Health

Answering commonly asked questions about COVID-19 in Nova Scotia. Click here to view the video library.

Spanish Vaccine Resources from the Public Health Agency of Canada

There are more resources coming (included videos) and as they are available, they will be added to this page under “Vacunación”: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/awareness-resources/spanish.html

The following documents have been collected or developed by Farm Safety Nova Scotia in an effort to support you in ensuring the health and safety of your farm, your families and your workers. Please visit the Farm Safety Nova Scotia COVID-19 Resources page for further resources.

Please share the following information document with your worker. It provides a basic overview of the situation and key contacts for them.

Health Screening

Cleaning & Disinfecting

Posters & Fact Sheets