On September 23 and 24, Hurricane Fiona landed in our province during harvest season. Not only impacting crops, but also buildings and other important infrastructure. Here we have pulled together all relevant resources and helpful contacts for you. We will continue to update this page as more information or resources are released.

NSFA Advocacy Points

Throughout the past few weeks, we have been advocating on your behalf to the Department of Agriculture and the Emergency Management Office on the following items:

  • Business continuity through the days following the storm
  • Infrastructure support
  • Crop and product loss
  • Storm clean up
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Farm prioritization for power restoration and fuel access
  • Ease of application for funding (registered farm equals eligible)

Department of Agriculture: Contact Info

Perennia Extension Staff: Contact Info

Click here to access all contact info for Agriculture Extension Staff with Perennia

Current Fiona Financial Supports

Current Business Risk Management Programs

AgriStability provides protection for income losses of more than 30 per cent. Farm businesses enrolled in the program can apply for an interim payment of 75 per cent of their estimated benefit. To help support producers impacted by the storm, Nova Scotia and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada have opened AgriStability to farmers who did not enroll in 2022 so they can take advantage of this important income support. As well, any producers who have not submitted their claims for 2021 are now able to submit without penalty until October 30. For questions regarding AgriStability, we encourage you reach out to Mike Burry, mike.burry@novascotia.ca 902-890-1224.

Crop and Livestock Insurance. AgriInsurance provides crop insurance for naturally occurring production losses Hurricane damage is an insured event for those enrolled in the program. The Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission is waiving interest on overdue accounts for the month of September. For questions regarding Crop and Livestock Insurance, please call (902) 893-6370 or email nsclic@novascotia.ca.

AgriInvest is a government-matched producer saving program. Producers can access any accumulated funds in their AgriInvest accounts at any time to address immediate needs.

AgriRecovery focuses on extraordinary costs producers face in recovering from disasters. The Province has requested an AgriRecovery assessment to determine what support is needed to help agricultural businesses recover as quickly as possible from the storm.