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Farm Safety: We Talk We Grow Video Launch

October 10 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Celebrate World Mental Health Day with the “We Talk. We Grow.” Video Launch

Please Note: Due to low registration numbers during this busy season, this event is now fully virtual and has been changed to a one-hour format. This format allows you to participate from the comfort of your own home or farm, making it easier to join us during this hectic time.

Many of us would agree that farming is more than a job—it’s a way of life. But with that comes unique challenges that aren’t always visible. This World Mental Health Day, take a well-deserved break from the busy harvest season and join us for the premiere of our new “We Talk. We Grow.” video. This powerful video sheds light on the mental health realities of farming and why it’s so important to break the silence.

Join fellow farmers, industry members, and supporters for an afternoon of connection, conversation, and community. Whether you can stay for the whole livestream or just drop in, this is a chance to pause, reflect, and support mental well-being in agriculture.

Date: Thursday, October 10th (World Mental Health Day)
Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Location: Online livestream via Farm Safety Nova Scotia social media channels and YouTube.

*You are welcome to simply tune in via our social media channels to watch, or you can register to receive regular reminders and a link to join the event*

Take a break and join us for some real, honest conversations. After all, when we talk, we grow – not only as individuals, but as a community.


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We Talk We Grow Video Launch


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October 10
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


View Venue Website


We Talk. We Grow.
View Organizer Website