Corporate Partner Highlight: Maritime Fuels

Last fall Maritime Fuels was pleased to able to enter a corporate partnership agreement with the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture. As we are relatively new to your organization we felt this would be a good opportunity to tell you our story.

We are a family-owned business based in Dartmouth Nova Scotia. We take pride in our ability to react quickly to customer and employee driven issues. Our people are empowered to do “the right thing” and no one is that far away from the decision makers that immediate help and advice cannot be offered. Our ability to react is the one thing that differentiates us from our competitors.

Maritime Fuels also recognizes its responsibility to support the communities where we do business and where our employees live, work, and play. We support national and provincial charities such as the Cancer Society, Feed Nova Scotia, The New Brunswick Food Depot, The Halifax Regional School breakfast program, Coats for Kids, Brunswick St Mission, Adsum House for Women and Children, Mental Health, Bear River First Nations Harvest Festival, various kids sporting teams and many other charitable bodies seeking help. You may also be interested in our innovative “Pallet Program” where we help organizations raise funds with no cap on how much can be raised. Check it out here!

While Maritime Fuels may be a relatively new name in the oil delivery NS and NB we are proudly associated with ESSO Canada, a long-established Canadian name in the petroleum industry. We are their branded distributor, and we carry nothing but high-quality ESSO products on our vehicles. Were you aware that Esso introduced a new diesel last year called ESSO Diesel Efficient? We are the only company in Nova Scotia who can deliver this distillate right to your business. Esso Diesel Efficient™ fuel is a fully formulated diesel fuel that is pre-additized at the terminal. It is designed to save you time, money and eliminate the need for off-the-shelf additives. For more information on how this product can help your machinery  please visit our website.

Maritime Fuels believes in leveraging technology to make all our lives easier and to eliminate human error. We offer tank monitors where your tank level can be remotely read by yourself and our fuel delivery dispatch. You need not fear having a fuel run out that will impact your home or business. We have scanning capabilities on our trucks for fleet refueling, GPS, Live Chat on our website, electronic delivery notification and invoicing and, coming this fall, we will be able to offer self serve on your account.

Although fuel delivery is our “bread and butter” we are making in roads into other areas of the fuel business. If you are ever in Weymouth, Bear River or Stanley New Brunswick please visit our Maritime Fuels Plus branded retail site. We are always looking for opportunities in markets where bigger players in the retail site market may not consider doing business. That will be our niche in this marketplace. Maritime Fuels is also in the process of setting up our own network of diesel and gasoline cardlocks. We presently have our flagship location up and running in Bridgewater. There is another under construction in Dartmouth and a third in the planning stages for Fredericton. All these locations will be open to the public as well as customers choosing to use the Maritime Fuels Plus fuel cards. Watch for this logo next time you need a fill up:

After leaving Eastern Canada in 1986 Gulf Oil is making a return. In December of 2020 Maritime Fuels entered an agreement with Gulf Lubricants to be their main distributor in the Maritimes. Watch for our new logo on our lubricant distribution trucks.

Gulf offers specifically formulated lubricants for the agricultural industry, marine products, commercial and Fleet applications, and automotive applications. We are very pleased be chosen for this very significant re-launch of the Gulf products in the Maritime market. Check out our products here.

Can Maritime Fuels help you with your petroleum needs? We like to think that we can. Please call us anytime at 310.3776, Live Chat us at or email us at You can also check us out on Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter and Pinterest.