Serving on Agencies, Boards and Commissions

Every Spring and Fall the Nova Scotia Government recruits for members to Agencies, Boards and Commissions. There are currently six adjudicative ABCs under the Department of Agriculture with existing or upcoming vacancies that the province is looking to fill with an application deadline ofAugust 2, 2024. 

What is an agency, board and commission?  

These are identified in legislation that the government is required to fill. There are a number of agricultural agencies, boards and commissions – or ABCs –under the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture. Nova Scotia Farm Loan Board, Crop and Livestock Insurance Commission and Agricultural Marshland Conservation Commission are examples of ABCs. 

There are two types of ABCs – adjudicative and non-adjudicative. If you are interested in applying to an adjudicative ABC, there are two intake deadlines each year. Non-adjudicative boards are open year-round until the vacancies are filled. The biggest difference between adjudicative boards and non-adjudicative boards is responsibility. Adjudicative boards have authority to make decisions; the application for adjudicative boards has a series of questions for applicants to demonstrate ability to make unbiased decisions. 

You’re interested in applying to an ABC…now what? 

There is an application process on the Nova Scotia government’s Executive Council website. You will need to set up an account if you haven’t applied to an ABC before. 

The following ABCs are Adjudicative and have an application deadline of August 2, 2024 .Please note that we are seeking an NSFA representative for the Farm Practices Board. This application will require a letter of support which can be requested through the “Expressions of Interest” form on the NSFA website here by July 28, 2024. 

Non-adjudicative ABCs accept applications year-round and can be found here.  


You can make a difference, and our team is here to help. 

The perspective of farmers is important on all the above ABCs and many of the ABCs in other departments. NSFA offers support to members interested in applying to ABCs. This support can be filling out the application with you, talking through your answers to application questions, and identifying what experiences and skills should be highlighted in your application. Call the NSFA office at 902-893-2293 or email us at info(at)