It’s back! The Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture is pleased to announce the 129th Annual General Meeting.

Join us November 26th and 27th at the Best Western, Glengarry in Truro, where farmers from across the province, industry, and commodities will gather to learn, network and advocate for agriculture. Every year, this event brings together over 150 people from farms, agricultural organizations, and business along with government leaders to discuss issues relevant to the industry and to learn from industry leaders. Every year our tradeshow and designated sponsor spots fill up quickly so be sure to book your spot early. Throughout the meeting, there will be numerous opportunities for participants to attend the tradeshow. Please note that while Wednesday is a member and invite-only meeting day, our separate tradeshow space will allow for lots of member engagement during the break periods. Lunch and coffee stations in the tradeshow room will also offer full exposure to participants with dedicated break times for people to mingle and interact! Check out our draft agenda here.

Check out the tradeshow and sponsorship opportunities for the NSFA’s 129th Annual General Meeting in our package below. Ready to book? Fill in the form at the bottom of this page to express your tradeshow and/or sponsorship interest and we will follow up with you to confirm your booking.

Our Annual Meeting is an excellent opportunity for your organization to join in the network of the NSFA with an opportunity to meet one-on-one with farmers and industry leaders. This provides your business with a chance to get your messaging in front of our members to promote how you can support their farming goals and to gain recognition of your business. Interested in getting your name out there in addition to your tradeshow booth or designated sponsor spot? We are also looking for door prize contributions and silent auction items for our Annual Meeting Banquet fundraiser!

If you are planning on attending the Farm Mechanization Show in Moncton on November 28th- you don’t need to choose! We have designed our tradeshow so that you can stay for the full two days of the NSFA AGM, or leave early on Tuesday evening to set-up in Moncton and hit both!